Friday, November 6, 2009

What forces apply on diffrent parts of a roller coaster model?

What forces apply on diffrent parts of a roller coaster?

I know that GPE, EK, Friction, Air resistance, Normal apply on almost every part of the roller coaster, but if I want to be exact:

1) What other force applies on a roller coaster model?

2) Explain a bit more about the force of .... I don't know what it's called, but I think it has something to do with the turning around a "center" in the loops.

What forces apply on diffrent parts of a roller coaster model?
If you have a loop in your roller coaster, the riders will experience an 'apparent' force called 'centrifugal force' It's not really a force in the classic sense, but it feels like one to the riders just the same. The real name for the effect is 'centripetal acceleration' and its an outward force in any circular motion.
Reply:1) gravity, impulse, momentum. etc

2) Torque is the force that might be able to break something and affects its energy
Reply:Centrifugal? or Centripetal? Positive Gs, Negative Gs, Latereral Gs, Heartline?


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