Friday, March 12, 2010

Using Patterns in Fruity Loops 7?

In Fruity Loops 7 .. How do I use the List? The pattern list where it says Pattern 1 .. 2. . 3. . 4. .

how do i use it!?

its too complicated .. and cant figure it out!

Thank you by the way!

Using Patterns in Fruity Loops 7?
Basically, the "List" or "Playlist" (open be using F5 key), is the Master pattern. Clicking on pattern 1, 2 , 3 and so on will show a different loop pattern or "beat".

Example, pattern 1 would have the into beat to the song. Pattern 2 would be the secondary beat. And pattern 3 would be a transition beat. This is how a song is made out of a few seconds of beats. There is no set MAX number of patterns one can have in a song.

Lasty, next to the "play" button you will see little dots with "pat" and "song". The one that is lit up is the thing that will play. So you can play just the pattern or the whole song.

To save the song to that you can burn to CD or MP3 player, do a "save as..." and select MP3 as the file type.

I hope that helps.


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