Friday, March 12, 2010

Where can i get American food & drink in England?

Im a big fan of american food %26amp; drink, the majority of this is sold in England but some of my favourites are not. I like food such as Butterfinger's, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Hershey bars and drinks such as Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Hawaiin Punch, Bud light and other light beers. Could somebody please tell me if they have any information where i can find these products.

Where can i get American food %26amp; drink in England?
Reply:Here in the US, we have stores for British people who have moved out of Great Britain, but still want their native foods (HP Sauce, etc.) that we don't sell in our regular grocery stores. We call them "ex-pat" stores. I'm sure there has to be something similar in England.
Reply:Try Frankies %26amp; Bennies restauraunt they are situated pretty much every where and they are great.
Reply:There are some american deli's here and there throughout the UK. Used to be one on Byres Road in Glasgow and they sold a lot of harder to find american products. I say "used to" as I don't live in Glasgow anymore so couldn't swear it is still there.

Ask around where you are or try the good old yellow pages.

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