Friday, March 12, 2010

Is getting a short weave a loop hole around cutting my hair at boot camp for the military?

I am a black female going to the navy very soon. I've had long all my life and I really really don't want to cut my hair. Not being vain, it's just i don't know or want to learn how to deal with short hair. Any way i was thinking i could get a very short weave when i go to boot camp.. Is it possible for that to work?

Is getting a short weave a loop hole around cutting my hair at boot camp for the military?
females dont have to cut their hair.. only the males

females are only required to have their hair pulled up, and not on the collar.

most ppl put their hair up, in ponytails, or buns
Reply:if it will last without much maintanence the entire time. it sounds a little risky. Maybe you should try contacting a recruiter

But you dont have to cut your hair. It just has to be pulled back in a bun very tightly.
Reply:weaves are not allowed. Only cornrows close to the scalp that do not reach the collar.
Reply:There are regualtions concerning weaves and extensions while serving, both to be sure they meet regulations for appearance and for safety issues (especially with synthetic hair in some career fields.) While woman don't have to cut their hair in basic like the men do, it will have to meet certain requirements. If you do not plan to wear it pulled back, than it must not be any longer than collar length. The style must be conservative (or be able to be worn in a conservatve manner while on duty) without rough cut ends, pieces longer than the majority of the cut, etc. Colors must be natural, even for hi or low chunks in funky colors. There is a limited number of options for braids...cornrows close to the head of minimal length. During basic, you will have very little time or opportunity to do anything with your hair beyond wash it and pull it back and pin it up. If you do wear ponytails or buns, they must not be done in a way or so large that they interfere with your ability to wear safety gear correctly. A weave may be tough..if it starts to come out you will have limited options on what to do. In all honesty, I would suggest no weave, just going with something cute and short and then let it grow out once you are done basic and tech.


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