Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Simple project using loops and arrays in C#?

Hi guys! I need to make a project for next week to deliver it to my c# professor, and I need to make a projects that uses both loops and arrays. Now I need a good suggestion. Something simple and short, but something that makes sense.

For example, I wanted to make a tic tac toe game, but the technicall aspects make it to complex for me to present it.. So I need something lighter. Any suggestion?

Simple project using loops and arrays in C#?
A pretty common student project that utilizes loops an arrays is a "largest, least, average" type program.

For instance, you have a program that asks the user to input the temperature every day for the past week. That's stored into your array. Then, you'll use a loop to iterate the array and show the lowest temperature of the week, the highest temperature of the week, and the average temperature.

Common variations include inputting student GPAs, employee salaries etc...
Reply:We wrote a program in college that translated a specified text into piglatin. It used loops and arrays (well, strings but i'm talking c++ here).


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