Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why do fruit loops have diffrent colours but they all taste the same?

Its supposed to be:diffrent colours,diffrent tastes!!!!!!

Why do fruit loops have diffrent colours but they all taste the same?
One of the best questions I've seen in a long time. Straight forward .. makes sense to me. I agree with you .. they should each taste different ! Good Luck ! :)
Reply:lol good question
Reply:To give the illusion of being different fruits, but they all taste like fruit punch.
Reply:they do have different tastes! eat one at a time and youll see, but then noone eats one at a time so i guess they just taste like a general blob of fruity flavor. but yeah just eat one at a time there different..sorta.
Reply:its all done with mirrors. The real questions is how do they get mirrors to taste like fruit loops
Reply:So people won't confuse them with apple jacks.
Reply:A big hint is the fact they're actually named Froot Loops (not Fruit). There isn't a whole lot of "fruit" to them. What they really taste like is vaguely fruit-flavored sugar.
Reply:Granted, but what about M%26amp;M's???? Fruit loops are like the Fruit Punch cereal! LOL
Reply:Who said that different colors means different taste or did you come up with that idea your self ,,,,The marketing of cereals is big business today ,,,, Just look at the diversity ,,,,, Kids are the target for most cereals and the manufactures use these colors to make their products more appealing to the child or young one ,,,,, Advertising and marketing is what it's all about ,,,, and results in big bucks,,,,, Have you bought a box of a brand named cereal lately ? What people used to spend fifty nine cents for in the area of cereals now costs upwards of like four dollars now ,,,,,depending where you do your grocery shopping ,,,,,, We pay inflated prices today because of the inflated heads in the corporate and political arenas ,,,,
Reply:because ppl are to lazy to make them taste different
Reply:Why would anyone try them to find out....???? They do not look good, I am sure they taste like pure sugar. Not my idea of a great snack or breakfast.
Reply:No, with the exception of the Golden berry
Reply:Do they actually say the loops are supposed to taste different or just fruity all around? It's all artificial coloring which has no taste.

I think it's sort of like crayons - different colors; same taste - not that I eat them - BURP!
Reply:Chemicals, my friend. It's all chemicals.
Reply:its just food coloring.
Reply:Artificial coloring...
Reply:colors are chemicals, and no, a green apple will not taste the same as a red apple or a yellow apple.

a green banana that is not ripe yet will never taste the same as a yellow or yellow one with brown dots.
Reply:it's only food coloring.. the food, if you can call it that, is the same from loop to loop. they do different colors to please the eye and make you want to buy them and eat them.

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