Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the feedback loop of blood tests showing depressed levels of T3 and T$ but elevations in TSH?

The endocrine gland is the Thyroid gland and the diagnosis from the other symptoms reveals Hypothyroidism but I am not understanding the "feedback loop" involved.

What is the feedback loop of blood tests showing depressed levels of T3 and T$ but elevations in TSH?
The hypothalamus releases TRH to stimulate pituitary. Pituitary responds by releasing TSH. Thyroid responds by releasing T3 %26amp; T4. Hypothalamus 'measures' the T3 %26amp; T4 in the blood. If there's not enough, it keeps the loop going until hypothalamus senses enough T3 %26amp; T4 present. From the info you provided, the high TSH, means the thyroid isn't responding to TSH, so T3 %26amp; T4 are low. So hypothalamus keeps pumping pituitary with TRH so it releases TSH, and you get abundance of TSH without an increase in T3%26amp;T4.

Aka Hashimoto's
Reply:Tsh is hormone product from the brain .Tsh push the thyroid to product T3,T4.and too high T3,T4 will suppress TSH production.If T3,T4 low the brain will product more TSH ,in your case hypotyhroidsm.

skin tone

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